Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello? Is it on?

Would you believe our luck?  After months of not posting anything on our beloved blog, Scott and Mary finally sit down and write a doozy of a thing - - a catch-all post complete with multiple gripping color photos and jaunty prose - - only to have Blogspot get a brain cramp, and dump the entire thing into the void of cyberspace, never more to be retrieved.  Don't tell our parents, but expletives may have been uttered, and throw pillows may have been....well, thrown.

So while we are busy re-constructing this post, please allow us to say thank you for coming back to read us.  After a tough few months and a busy holiday season, we have put our aprons back on, and lucky you, you're going to get to read about it.  Very, very soon.

We leave you with a conversation Scott and Mary had just this evening, concerning a book.  No, not a cookbook.  A book book.

Scott:  Ah, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo...!  You know, I know who the girl with the dragon tattoo is.
Mary: Well, I'd like to know too, except someone stole the copy I just bought.
Scott:  You've still got Little Women!
Mary:  I've still got two itty bitty chapters left of Little Women!
Scott:  Two chapters...I bet I'll finish reading TGWTDT before you finish Little Women.
Mary:  I'll take that action.  What're you betting?
Scott:  I don't know....I'll do the dishes.
Mary:  You already did the dishes.
Scott:  I don't know, all right?!  I' you something with your money!
Mary:  DEAL!

Stay tuned for more adventures in the kitchen coming soon!